måndag 23 mars 2009

Blog assignment #4: The state of the planet

We humans work in a specific way, we are all curious and want to develop things. From the first energy source we used, witch is the fire, have we constantly widened our ways to gather energy. With the industrialisation a new revolutionary device was introduced, it was the combustion engine. Now 150 years later many scientists think that this machine will ruin the world. The reason is that the exhaust gas includes CO2 witch damages the ozone layer. Right now with our knowledge of environmental causes there are a lot of researches to find a remedy for the ozone layer. We can predict what’s going too happened with the planet if we don’t make some changes in our energy consumption. We will have a much warmer climate witch will lead up to a melting of the polar ices and a higher water level witch will be hazardous for many peoples. This has intimidating a lot of peoples.


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