fredag 8 maj 2009

Blog assignment #6: Carte Blanche

I have chosen to write shortly about the ideas of one of my major idols.

What if we could stop working and earn money but still have it much better than before. Imagine a world without a monetary system.

The world have enough resources and knowledge to give all the humans in the world a home, give them food all their life and a good education. But with the economic system we use today there is no chance to give all the peoples what they have right to. Why? Because in this system profit exists, and with profit comes supply and demand, therefore we can’t create sustainability and abundance of the products. For example; diamonds exists in large quantities but the most of them destroys by diamond-companies to receive a higher profit. It’s exactly the same with the oil-companies. We have the technology to travel without using fossil fuel, but it is the oil-companies that have patent on the technology.

Jacque Fresco argues that if we remove the economic money system we use today and create a resource-based economy that will be given to everyone in the world instead of a group of selected few the world will be a much better and environment-friendly place.


onsdag 8 april 2009

Blog assignment #5: Why do we write?

It’s not an easy question to answer. We can only speculate why our forefathers started to write. One important aspect is that they write to tell information to others and also to themselves. If some specific area were good for hunting they wanted to have an easy description to find the way back to that place.

Nowadays I suppose the major reason is that each individual want to show that they exist. Everyone think that they are professors in at least one subject; in all of the blogs all around the internet you can read different peoples thoughts about many topics. They think that they can earn money just by writing about what they are good at. And some people do.

To write is also an easy way to live further after your dead. We want others to talk about us when we are alive. Why shouldn’t we want peoples to talk about us when we are dead? Newton, Hemingway and Shakespeare are examples of men that write down their thoughts and become immortal.

If we can’t have them to write about us we have to grab the pencil and write it by ourselves.


måndag 23 mars 2009

Blog assignment #4: The state of the planet

We humans work in a specific way, we are all curious and want to develop things. From the first energy source we used, witch is the fire, have we constantly widened our ways to gather energy. With the industrialisation a new revolutionary device was introduced, it was the combustion engine. Now 150 years later many scientists think that this machine will ruin the world. The reason is that the exhaust gas includes CO2 witch damages the ozone layer. Right now with our knowledge of environmental causes there are a lot of researches to find a remedy for the ozone layer. We can predict what’s going too happened with the planet if we don’t make some changes in our energy consumption. We will have a much warmer climate witch will lead up to a melting of the polar ices and a higher water level witch will be hazardous for many peoples. This has intimidating a lot of peoples.


söndag 15 mars 2009

Blog Assignment #3: Interview with the Vampire

Since the last half year I’ve been almost obsessed with Vampires. It all started with the TV-show True Blood, which by the way the Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgard makes a brilliant take as a Norse vampire. I truly recommend this show. Next up was the Swedish success movie “let the right one in” and after that the teenager movie “Twilight”.
I have never liked the movies about Blade or the shows about Buffy. I think it is because they shows vampire from a bad angle instead of showing them in a more poetic way.

However, after this I was forced to see this Vampire movie again, which is from the year 1994. Really major actors play in this movie, actors like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Christian Slater, Antonio Banderas and a very young Kirsten Dunst.
The film is based on the novel “Interview with the vampire” by Anne Rice. It opens in present time with a reporter talking with a Vampire called Luis. Through the movie we can hear Luis (Brad Pitt) talk about his life as a vampire, from when he first turned in to a vampire and all his adventures until present. What makes Luis special is that he still have kept some of his humanity after he changed. We can also follow Claudia who’s transformed into a vampire as a child.The film is about beauty, wealth, passion and desire, but even more about the endless search for satisfaction.


torsdag 26 februari 2009

Blog assignment #2: Will we be known?

I can make it easy for myself and say that there will be no more humans 1000 years from now. A lot of peoples think that humanity relative soon will be destroyed by diseases, wars, technical development (as artificial intelligence) or by climatic changes.

We have in many thousands of years leaned on our ability to evolve into what we are best suited for. But that time is over, I think. From now we are forced to use our brains to fit in and survive. Our technical knowledge will be our perdition or our survival, however we will not stand long without develop and usage when we live as we does today.

To know our history is important but it is irrelevant if there are no ones alive to read about us. According to the current storage mediums, like CD-ROM and hard drive, and their short lifespan. Information will always be copied into newer mediums, and with the electronic file systems we have on our computers there will not be difficulties to transform a text file from an older computer to a newer one.


söndag 15 februari 2009

Video game addiction

My knowledge of video games is more or less restricted. I have never come in contact with the heavier games like World of Warcraft, Conan and CS (counter strike). The type of games that are closest to me are sport games, I don’t know how many hours I’ve wasted on the ice hockey game NHL. I guess that’s some kind of addiction.

It doesn’t matter how you look at it, it will always be a problem. However, if you can be able to “handle the addiction” there is a lot to learn from it I think. I’ve some friends that played a lot back in the days. One friend was forced to quit high school because his addictions to the game counter strike. But when I ask him if he have some regrets from it he says that it wasn’t just bad for him, he made some new contacts and most important, he learned English very well.

The development in video games goes forward and the means of communication becomes better and better. Today you can have a lot of friends to play with and you don’t even have to meet them eye to eye. This is and will be a major problem, especially for the younger ones. Humans need to be social and get together with other people.

//Anton Möller

måndag 9 februari 2009